Have you ever felt as though your life was on autopilot but you were unclear about how to change it? As beings of light having this very intense physical human experience; it happens, but it doesn't have to. We fall into the circular trap of providing and surviving, we lose our balance, and safety mode kicks in. What if we were offered another solution? Instead of the master computer flying the plane for us while we check out because we're overloaded by life, we reprogram it to respond differently so we can thrive instead of merely survive. While it's wonderful that our body is intelligent and knows how and when to protect us, it becomes severely out of balance to live in extended states of this kind of existence. I personally think that the saddest thing about being on autopilot is when you're able to look back and realize what you weren't present for, and those moments are gone.
Our stealthiest power is our ability to effectively command our mind, which will keep us away from autopilot most if not all of the time. As I began this process for myself years ago, it turned out that my naturally optimistic attitude wasn't even close to being enough to help me master this, so I relied on the data I love so much; Quantum Physics. As out of left field as that may sound, I'll explain it simply here. In February 1998, Scientists conducted a highly controlled experiment which proved that the greater amount of watching or "observing" of an event that takes place, the greater amount of influence the observer has over the outcome of the event. To demonstrate this, they sent beams of electrons through small slits towards a wall, and what they found was that the particles behaved vastly differently when they were being observed versus when they were not, proving that our observation affects reality. To break that down a little more, it's like the saying "Energy goes where attention flows", and the more we focus on something in a specific way and expect a specific outcome, it is highly likely to happen.
So what does this have to do with reprogramming our master computer? As we accept that our thoughts are in fact shaping our reality at every turn, it makes sense that we should be very strategic with them. Instead of slipping into that dangerously mundane place, we must actively choose where to focus our attention, remembering that we will experience more of what we focus on (or expect), just as the experiment showed. One of the tools we use with our clients at Momentum to help with this process is called Quantum Healing, utilized also by Deepak Chopra. By gaining an understanding of how basic matter works and interacts with us, we can then learn how to use that in our favor and manifest what we desire, avoiding the dreadful autopilot that comes with feeling like we have no control over our lives. You are far more powerful than you realize, I promise you this.
To read the full scientific experiment I referenced above, see this link;
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