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The Lifestyle Movement
that's Changing the World

In December 2020, Momentum Founder Jayne Baker began a mission to share compassion with the homeless community in downtown Tampa after befriending two homeless men she saw daily, one of whom was a Veteran.  Her intrinsic belief that we are all connected coupled with her desire for humanity to understand and embrace this connection led to the birth of The Influencers of Kindness.

Committed to creating a deeper sense of love in the world by exercising random acts of compassion, this forward-thinking group (comprised mainly of Momentum clientele) also serves as a way for each person to understand the impact that their very existence has on the lives of others, as a portion of all sales are used to help the less fortunate.  

As The Influencers of Kindness continues to grow, Jayne has expanded her reach into other metropolitan areas around the nation, providing meals, clothing, love and inspiration to those in need.  

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