The Transformation
We've developed a variety of Lifestyle Programs to help you achieve Balanced Holistic Health with sustainable outcomes. Rooted heavily in science, we combine Evidence-Based techniques for strengthening the mind while using enzymes as a core component of harmonizing the Gut and Brain. We focus on education and support to help you understand how to effectively change the parts of your life that you are no longer happy with. Self-love is amplified via inclusion with our growing community, The Influencers of Kindness.
Read the details for a brief overview of how our Lifestyle Consulting services help you to create and experience the life you desire.
Quantum Physics and Manifestation
(Command the Mind)
The ability to command your mind is one of the most powerful tools you can possess. We go beyond positive thinking techniques and help you gain a basic understanding of Quantum Physics and the energetic nature of consciousness, allowing you to effectively manifest results in your life.

The Gut-Brain Connection
(Nourish the Body)
Your Gut-Brain connection is the pathway of communication between your Central Nervous System (brain & spinal cord) and your Enteric Nervous System (web of neurons embedded in gastrointestinal tract). In your ongoing Private Consulting Sessions, you'll be educated as to nourishing this precious connection using myriad proven strategies along with our own Plant-Based Enzyme Formula ENS-Zyme. As you learn about pH of the body, you'll have the ability to check your own levels with our pH Test Kit so as to ensure you're properly absorbing nutrients and maximizing your energetic potential.

The Influencers of Kindness
(Love the Soul)
Our approach to helping you embrace unconditional self-love involves a focus on gratitude and compassion. You'll learn demonstrated methodologies that help promote feelings of worthiness and break trauma bonds, allowing you to live more freely and fully in the present moment. Additionally, you'll become a valuable part of our Lifestyle Movement that's changing the world; The Influencers of Kindness. As has been stated by the Mayo Clinic, practicing acts of kindness increases our mood and can decrease the stress hormone cortisol. Created with this in mind along with a desire to spread more love in the world, this evolving group is comprised of all previous and current Momentum clientele, as a portion of all proceeds are allocated to help feed and clothe our Homeless Veterans and those in dire need.

Click here to view our Transformative Lifestyle Programs