The human gut is lined with more than 100 million nerve cells and is referred to as the Enteric Nervous System, or "second brain". It is a network of motor neurons, sensory neurons, and interneurons embedded in the wall of the gastrointestinal system with a main function of controlling digestion, a crucial component for overall health. When this imperative brain is out of balance, some of the physical symptoms that may present themselves are:
Poor Concentration
Extreme Fatigue
Because this second brain also communicates directly with the brain in our head, it means that a person's stomach or intestinal distress can be the cause or the product of Anxiety, Stress, and Depression. By supporting our Enteric Nervous System, we allow our body the best possible chance for optimal wellness. You can start today by trying some of the techniques and tips below which are known for their high success rate:
Incorporate Digestive Enzymes like our product ENS-Zyme
Balance your pH
Improve Sleep Quality
Avoid Gluten, Processed Foods, Trans Fats & Sugar
Establish Healthy Gut Microbiome with Probiotics
Aerobic Exercise
Mindfulness & Meditation
Increase Fiber Intake
Reduce Inflammation
Drink Chamomile Tea
Diaphragmatic Breathing
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